Man Accused Of Taking Up The Skirt Photo Of Woman At The Bar Says He Was Just Trying To Light Her Fart On Fire


(Source) A MAN who used a covert camera to attempt a lewd under-skirt snap has been convicted of outraging public decency. A jury watched CCTV footage of Brian Whitehead entering Lloyd’s bar in the V Shed and placing a mystery object under the woman’s skirt as she stood at the bar. When Whitehead was tracked down he conceded to police his actions looked “distinctly dodgy” but insisted he had not been holding a camera or a camera phone, saying it could have been a cigarette lighter.

In his police interview Whitehead suggested that what happened could have been an practical joke. He told officers: “Maybe I was trying to light a fart. It could have been a joke. “Maybe someone says ‘I bet you a fiver if you light her fart’.” In court, Whitehead told the jury: “When I made that comment it was a flippant remark in the interview room.” Whitehead, 39, of Easton Road, Bristol, denied committing an act outraging public decency, by placing a camera under a skirt, in September last year. A jury of six men and six women found him guilty in 40 minutes. The jury was then told Whtehead has previous convictions for making and possessing indecent images of a child, as well as possessing extreme porn. The latest offence put him in breach of the conditions of a previously suspended jail term. The recorder Mr Stephen Hall told him: “You are at risk of being sent to prison.” Whitehead was bailed pending a report for sentencing on June 27.


I absolutely love Brian Whitehead’s hustle. Not going to admit to anything besides committing “distinctly dodgy” actions. Everything else is completely up for grabs. Could have been a prank. Could have been a cigarette lighter trying to spark a fart. Could have been a fiver bet.  Or maybe Brian was doing something really cool we don’t even know about. Point is, no one knows for sure now that Brian has thrown a shadow of a doubt on this whole operation. Cut and dry case just got a WHOLE lot murkier. What looks like a blatant up the skirt cell phone shot could be a million different things. Brian Whitehead, possibly dodgy character, A+ Defense Attorney.


“Possessing indecent images of a child”, not exactly helping your “just lighting a fart on fire” defense.

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